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Ziabeen | ذیابین

Ziabeen | ذیابین

Rs.400 – Rs.3,550
For management of diabetes mellitus which increases insulin production by strengthening the functions of pancreas. Improves blood circulation. Also useful for dermic diseases, blood impurities and general debility caused by...
Majoon Falasifa | معجون فلاسفہ

Majoon Falasifa | معجون فلاسفہ

Rs.125 – Rs.2,580
Cardiac, Cerebral & Nerves Tonic. Aphrodisiac, Spermatopoietic, Kidney & Gall blader Tonic, Analgesic for joints and kidney pain. Appetizer & Digestive. Beneficial for sexual debility caused by neurataxia and semenagogue....
Akseer-e-Ziabeetas | اکسیر ذیابیطس

Akseer-e-Ziabeetas | اکسیر ذیابیطس

Rs.570 – Rs.4,560
For better response to diabetes. Useful for diabetes and its complications, like: cardiasthenia, cerebrasthenia neurasthenia & polyuria. ذیابیطس اور اس سے پیدا شدہ عواضات مثلا ضعف دل و دماغ و...
Jawarish Zarooni Ambari Kalan | جوارش زرعونی عنبری کلاں

Jawarish Zarooni Ambari Kalan | جوارش زرعونی عنبری کلاں

Rs.2,600 – Rs.12,290
For healthy urinary tract function. Useful for cerebral, cardiac, nervous, renal, urinary bladder & sexual weakness, sciatica, rheumatic pain and excessive urination. Also for strengthening the spinal cord, phlegmatic cough...
Taryaq-e-Dard-e-Gurda | تریاق درد گردہ

Taryaq-e-Dard-e-Gurda | تریاق درد گردہ

Rs.140 – Rs.3,000
For healthy renal function. Dissolves & expels renal & cystic calculus and relieves its pain. گردہ ومثانہ کی پتھری کو توڑتی ، خارج کرتی اوراس سے پیدا شدہ یا ریحی...
Jawarish Zarooni Sada | جوارش زرعونی سادہ

Jawarish Zarooni Sada | جوارش زرعونی سادہ

Rs.450 – Rs.4,030
For healthy GIT function. Useful for kidney and urinary bladder weakness. Heals excessive urination, renal colic and dyspepsia. Hepatic, cerebral & gastric tonic.  ضعف گردہ و مثانہ کے لئے مفید...
Kushta Zumurrud | کشتہ زمرد

Kushta Zumurrud | کشتہ زمرد

Rs.220 – Rs.3,620
A cardiac tonic and exhilarant, which cures kidney & hepatic weakness and useful for polyuria & cough. مقوی و مفرح قلب ہے۔گردے اور جگر کی کمزوری میں فائدہ بخش ہے۔...